
If I had a New Year's resolution this month, it was to take better care of myself.  Which has an awful lot of component parts, not every one of which relates to the oboe...I'm making no progress on getting to bed earlier - that's just not changeable for me at this time.But less booze, more stretching is going pretty well.  Daily exercise and daily journaling are at about 80%, which is still a big improvement over last fall.  My new archery hobby is nourishing my need to learn, practice, and improve in a highly satisfying way.But one thing that isn't coming back together for me yet is this blog.  My posting schedule, if there ever was one, has dwindled down to once or twice a month, and I don't exactly want to add more stress to my life by committing to something I can't follow through on.  But I miss it.  I miss feeling inspired to write and having the blog always in the back of my mind as I go through my life.  Lately it feels more like guilt in the back of my mind than like words scrabbling to get out - I know I should write and that it would feel better if I did, but my scratch pad is full of half-completed posts and vague ideas that don't quite make it to publishable.That said - I have been doing stuff.  I've been working.  Here's my winter newsletter update, if you haven't seen it in your inbox - full of concerts and optimism.  Check it out - subscribe to future ones if you wish - and thanks for sticking with me!NEWSLETTER


Communication Skills


Learning the Teachings