Jennet with computer, book, and oboe

Work With Me

I have decades of experience in building my own business, one based on expertise, skill, empathy, and humanity. Now I help others to do the same!

I have helped musicians pivot their studio teaching to give themselves more income, more respect, and more TIME in their lives. I have helped musicians to launch group programs, and to start reed businesses. I have supported creatives through clarifying their missions and working through their Imposter Syndrome.

If YOU have a project that is in your heart – a performance or recording, a professional pivot, a new income stream – I would love to help you make it a reality. We can talk about developing your idea, creating it, marketing it. We can work on the visibility challenges you face. We can figure out how to get you MORE MONEY within your own creative integrity. 

I can help you THRIVE.

online coaching

One to One Coaching

If you want coaching tailored to your specific experiences and needs, this experience will give you the individualized attention you are looking for.

We’ll start with a planning session where we look at your goals and consider your current assets – your skills, your superpowers, your audience, your visibility. 

Through our twice a month coaching sessions we will work on mindset, designing your offers, launch strategy and execution, consistent marketing and visibility, organization, productivity – or whatever YOU bring to the table! 

You will also receive unlimited Voxer (voice) and email support in between sessions so we can celebrate wins, react to obstacles, or head off little problems before they become big ones. 

Currently, coaching packages start at $2800. Payment plans are available. 

Want to talk about it?

groups on zoom

Group Coaching

There’s something really magical about working within a group. I met many of my best friends and business buddies in group coaching programs! You get access to everyone else’s feedback as well as mine, you learn from the questions and challenges that others face, and you are inspired by their ideas and creations.

The Happiest Musician Accelerator runs twice a year. It’s a three month experience, featuring weekly group calls and Voxer (voice) support between sessions. 

In this program, I teach you how to bring the message that is in your heart out into the world and get paid for it. How to do it in a way that is analog, and heart-centered, and doesn’t feel icky or gross to you or to others.

peaceful coffee

Two-Hour Intensive

You need some support or advice, but don’t want a months-long commitment? This intensive might be exactly what you are looking for.

You come in with your goals, ideas, and questions, and we’ll move you forward. I’ll bring my full attention and all of my experience, knowledge, and skills to the table. I can help you with brainstorming, clarity, strategy, copy, or whatever you need! 

An Intensive with me is $500. Schedule here – please leave up to 2.5 hours in your schedule should we need it.

*Cost of a 2 hour intensive can be applied to a 1:1 Coaching package
if you decide you want more than you initially thought!*

I can’t wait to work with you!