Upcoming Recital

Jennet Ingle

What's Going On?

I am giving a recital at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago on January 6, at 12:10 pm.  This program will be a shorter, more traditionally classical version of my upcoming Moveable Feast performance. It is free and open to the public.

This Chicago program will feature a veritable travelogue of works, drawing the listener along with me to Tunisia, Naples, and Scotland, along with the wide-open spaces of our own nation.  I am also featuring the Bach G Minor Sonata, as a personal home-coming.  I grew up hearing and internalizing  the complex counterpoint and fugues of J. S Bach, and in many ways his works for a musician - especially an oboist - feel like coming home.  It's a piece that terrifies and thrills me, and I am eager to present it in beautiful and historic Fourth Church.

What Else is Going On?

The full version of A Moveable Feast, starring myself, Paul Hamilton, and cabaret singer Justin Hayford, will be presented on:

January 22nd at 3pm at Valparaiso University.  I will soon have repeats of this neat program scheduled in February in South Bend and Chicago.

I am still working on an East Coast Tour of last spring's CHROMA program, anchored by a performance on:

Sunday, April 29th at 3:00, at Delaware County Community College outside Philadelphia.

I am giving a noontime recital at the Chicago Cultural Center on July 23rd, 2012.  I have no idea what will be on it, yet.  But we'll have fun.

Where Else Can I Read About You?

I am on the web at www.jennetingle.com, and I blog about my adventures at www.jennetingle.blogspot.com.  If you are not on my email list, please do join it HERE - I will not send spam but I will keep you well informed about my upcoming performances.

Copyright © 2011 Jennet Ingle, All rights reserved.
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Jennet Ingle
1323 Eastbrook Dr

South Bend, IN 46616

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