Jennet Ingle


Hi, I’m Jennet, and I AM the Happiest Musician!

I serve oboists by offering high quality reeds, cane, tools, and supplies for sale, by running courses and programs on reedmaking, oboe skills, and artistry, and by being active as an oboist in the world.

I encourage musicians to thrive in their creative careers with my podcast, Crushing Classical, my book, The Happiest Musician, and business and mindset coaching.

YOUR artistry matters, and I want to see you THRIVE!

Upcoming Events

Event Information:

  • Thu

    AMA With Ashley Danyew

    1:00 pmZoom

    Ashley Danyew, Ph.D. is a musician, educator, writer, and entrepreneur. She is the Founder and Editor of Musician & Co., equipping classical musicians with the tools and education they need to be small business owners.

    I am a small business owner, a performing oboist, and a business coach for musicians.

    What would you like to ask us?

    Register for FREE right here! 


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